Elder Micah Hyde may have just finished serving a full-time mission, but his enthusiasm for the work has not quit. So it’s only fitting that his first post-mission delivery of the Book of Mormon was given to another special “Post.”
As Micah’s family was gathering for his homecoming at the St. George Airport, rapper and singer Post Malone was passing through the terminal as well. The singer was chatting and taking photos with members of the family when Micah’s dad explained to Post Malone that their son was just about to come home from serving a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Seattle, Washington, and that’s why so many family members had gathered.
When Micah’s plane landed and after all the hugs and happy tears, Micah’s family told him that Post Malone had just been in the airport—maybe 10 minutes before he had landed—and had congratulated Micah on his missionary service and homecoming.
As shown in one of his Instagram videos, when Micah heard that Post Malone was in the airport, he had an epiphany.
“I have [a Book of Mormon] I’m supposed to hand out!!” he shouted, before darting around a corner.
Micah and his family got Post Malone’s attention from just beyond the security line where Micah asked, “Have you gotten one of these yet!?” holding up a copy of the Book of Mormon.
“No, I have not,” Post Malone said, smiling as he walked back over to Micah and his family.
“Best book in the world! It’ll change your life!” Micah beamed. He enthusiastically handed Post Malone a copy of the Book of Mormon.
Post Malone seemed genuinely appreciative and shook Micah’s hand saying, “Thank you so much, man. Hey—you’re good at that! You must have crushed it in Seattle!”
And Micah was truly grateful for the unique experience, too.
“Funny enough,” Micah told LDS Living, “For me, sharing the Book of Mormon with Post Malone was easier than most of the times on my mission. Between the excitement and adrenaline—and also knowing this might be the only time a missionary would have this opportunity—made it pretty easy for me to share something I love so much!”
As of this article’s publication, the video has over 1 million views across various Instagram accounts.
“I think so many people have loved this video because of my genuine excitement of sharing something I’ve come to love and the kindness of Post Malone—he was a true example of how the Savior would want us to treat others,” Micah says. “Post Malone was so gracious, and that just made this experience so special—one I will never forget!”
And with such an unforgettable experience, there is one universal lesson to be learned here: In a world full of divisiveness and hate, be like Elder Hyde and Post Malone—friendly, courteous, respectful, and unafraid to share what you believe and what makes you happy.
“My mission taught me the true power that the Book of Mormon really has,” Micah told LDS Living. “I learned the importance of studying it every single day and letting the Holy Ghost teach us as we study. As the cover says, it truly is ‘another testament of Jesus Christ,’ and I have seen the power it has to change lives! As I’ve diligently studied and applied the teachings of the Book of Mormon in my own life, I have found such peace, and whenever I have questions or I am struggling, the words that I read are always the answers I was searching for.”
Since his encounter with Post Malone, Micah only has a couple of regrets.
“I wish I would have invited him to my homecoming talk! But if I could say something to him now, I would probably tell him thank you for the kindness he extended to me and my family—I think that example goes a long way in this world. And if I’d had more time, I would have invited him to read 3 Nephi 11 which is by far my favorite chapter in the whole Book of Mormon!”
You can watch Micah’s videos and interactions with Post Malone in the Instagram player below.
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