Latter-day Saint Life

‘I need to read this every single day’: The Instagram post that’s reminding people who they really are

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As Latter-day Saints, many of us have heard about the plan of salvation since we were children. We’re familiar with the concept of the premortal existence and how we came to Earth. We also know that one day, we will return to our Heavenly Father.

In his devotional to young adults around the world, President Russell M. Nelson reminded listeners that this life is “hardly a nanosecond” in the grand scheme of things—but a very “crucial nanosecond.” During this crucial time, we all need reminders of who we really are as children of God. We might even need to remember who we were before this life and what that may have looked like so we can keep trying to reach our potential.

A recent post from Magnify Community on Instagram is the perfect reminder of who we really are and where we come from. After reading the post, one person wrote: “Stunned. Want to read and reread over and over and over! Want this etched into memory for the health and welfare [of] my very being.”

Another reader said, “This is so beautiful! I need to read this every. single. day. ❤️”

For those of you who need a similar pick-me-up, we thought we’d share the post below. Swipe through the carousel to see the entire poem, and remember—“you are eternal with incomparable value.”

Magnify is a community of Latter-day Saint women coming together to use our influence to fill the world with His light. We want to be a generation of women who are courageous in the face of uncertainty, focused in the face of distraction, and steady in the face of contention. Learn more about us at

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