Jessica Carter

August 27, 2018 08:56 AM MDT
I was a stay-at-home mom for seven years. Then I became a full-time working mom with an unemployed husband and two children at home (and I continue to work full-time now as a single mother). Having experienced motherhood from both sides, I understand the challenges each set of circumstances presents. Neither situation is easy, and insensitive comments can make things even harder. So, here it is: my personal list of seven things not to say to working moms.
2 Min Read
August 20, 2018 08:53 AM MDT
I was a stay-at-home mom for seven years. Then I became a full-time working mom with an unemployed husband and two children at home (and I continue to work full-time now as a single mother). Having experienced motherhood from both sides, I understand the challenges each set of circumstances presents. Neither situation is easy, and insensitive comments can make things even harder. So, here it is: my personal list of things not to say to stay-at-home moms.
3 Min Read
August 17, 2017 09:05 AM MDT
I was a divorced mother of two in my late thirties when I first entered the LDS mid-singles scene. Those years of dating took me on quite a journey—one filled with thrilling highs, as well as countless bumps and bruises to my heart and ego. But the love lessons I learned during that time ultimately made me stronger, wiser, and happier. So here they are: my six hard-learned lessons about love. Hopefully some of my experiences can help you better navigate the mysterious dating world.
9 Min Read
June 21, 2017 09:15 AM MDT
During my Young Women years, I heard many lessons on the hurtful effects of gossip. In my 14-year-old brain, I assumed we were taught those lessons because gossip was a problem only teenage girls struggled with—until one day when my bubble of naivety was suddenly burst.
3 Min Read
February 01, 2017 08:14 PM MST
Why do women (or men, for that matter) stay in relationships that aren’t quite right for them? True, no relationship is perfect, but if you find yourself ignoring the following red flags, you might want to cut your losses and look for someone who is a better fit. Here are 9 signs he isn’t “the one.”
4 Min Read
December 15, 2016 07:05 PM MST
The holidays can be an especially difficult time if you are recently divorced. If you’re facing the holidays for the first time as a divorced person, try the following tips to brighten the season.
1 Min Read
October 22, 2016 02:52 PM MDT
What is it about Halloween that makes people feel okay about showing more skin than usual?
2 Min Read
November 20, 2014 10:00 PM MST
We’ve all done things in our lives that we aren’t proud of. But as kids get older and face increasingly difficult situations, it’s only natural that they’ll want to know how their parents handled similar temptations.
4 Min Read
September 24, 2014 09:05 AM MDT
So, what should you say to someone who is recently divorced? Here are a few do’s and don’ts to help you navigate some emotional landmines while still offering your heartfelt support.
5 Min Read
September 05, 2014 04:00 AM MDT
A quick Google search will show that Brigham Young is overwhelmingly credited with some version of the following statement: “Any unmarried man over the age of 27 is a menace to society.” (However, the age in the quote varies from 21 to 27, depending on the website, and sometimes “society” is replaced with “community.”)
3 Min Read
February 18, 2014 05:00 AM MST
A few weeks ago, I was sitting in sacrament meeting when I realized I had become completely mesmerized by what was happening on a tiny screen one pew ahead of me.
1 Min Read
October 25, 2013 04:00 AM MDT
I'll admit it: I pay my kids for earning good grades. Cold, hard cash.
1 Min Read
January 03, 2013 05:05 AM MST
“I’m just too nice,” a guy friend recently lamented. “I need to start acting like a jerk so women will go out with me.”
2 Min Read
August 16, 2012 04:39 AM MDT
I’ve been back in the dating scene for about a year now (after waiting 8 months after my divorce), and in that time I’ve learned quite a bit. But the biggest lesson of all has been how to recognize when I’m dating a rebounder. The first time I dated one, I had no clue. I was new to the dating scene. I didn’t recognize the signs and didn’t know the right questions to ask. Let’s just say it didn’t end well. The second time I dated a rebounder, I knew he had just been dumped, but I thought he was a nice guy, so I gave him a chance. That didn’t work out either.
4 Min Read
June 07, 2012 04:04 AM MDT
I feel like I’m leading a double life.
2 Min Read
November 03, 2011 04:05 AM MDT
I get it—men aren’t mind readers. And what works with one woman might not work for another. Even so, there are some common dating mistakes that the majority of women find annoying or downright unnerving. So, guys, check out the following list to prevent some major dating disasters when the next great girl comes along. (For our list of mistakes women make, click here.)
4 Min Read
October 13, 2011 04:05 AM MDT
Turnabout is fair play. After writing “5 Signs He’s Not Serious about You,” many readers requested that I do a similar blog to help the guys out there decode the sometimes subtle and confusing signals of the fairer sex. Well, gentlemen, here they are—five of our favorite strategies for avoiding those suitors we are just not into.
3 Min Read
September 29, 2011 04:07 AM MDT
Okay, ladies. We’ve all been there. You’re totally into a certain guy, and things seem to be going well, but you’re not quite sure how serious he is about you. Little things start to make you wonder if he’s not as interested as you thought he was. Maybe you brush them off and scold yourself for being too insecure. Maybe he always has an excuse for his behavior. But in my experience there are five tell-tale signs that he’s not serious about you—whether he wants to admit it or not.
3 Min Read