
December 13, 2023 07:28 AM MST
Lessons taken from nature and Sister Amy A. Wright's counsel can help us strengthen our discipleship, grow in spiritual light, and keep moving forward.
5 Min Read
October 10, 2023 12:54 PM MDT
Year after year these flowers excite and bring the spirit to those watching conference. And recently the Church's floral designers shared a video of what goes into designing, preparing, and styling these incredible arrangements.
1 Min Read
April 27, 2023 05:00 PM MDT
There are many trees mentioned in the scriptures that have spiritual lessons we can learn from. Here’s a look at three of them that have inspired me recently.
6 Min Read
April 22, 2023 08:42 AM MDT
There is no doubt that Planet Earth is a wondrous, beautiful, and glorious place, and we are eternally grateful for all of God’s creations.
1 Min Read
April 22, 2023 07:30 AM MDT
As disciples of Christ, we’ve been taught that we need to care for the earth. Here are just a few ways we can follow that important commandment.
2 Min Read
April 20, 2023 07:00 AM MDT
In celebration of Earth Day this weekend, here are five of our favorite quotes from Bishop Caussé’s talk “Our Earthly Stewardship.”
1 Min Read
March 15, 2023 02:48 PM MDT
“Recent warnings have predicted the Great Salt Lake could disappear within five years, creating an ecological catastrophe.”
1 Min Read
March 01, 2023 10:07 AM MST
Shelby Stroud travels to beaches and collects seashells for her portraits by hand—this one has over 25,000.
12 Min Read
June 29, 2022 11:27 AM MDT
We don’t have lots of answers about the eternal destiny of our furry friends, but we can infer some things from scriptural and prophetic statements.
7 Min Read
We all play a part in preserving the critical resources needed to sustain life—especially water—and we invite others to join us in reducing water use wherever possible.
1 Min Read
June 16, 2022 01:15 PM MDT
Unbelievable images and videos are coming from Yellowstone National Park and southern Montana this week, as huge flooding tore away hillsides, roads, and even the foundations of homes.
1 Min Read