Follow the Prophets

Pres. Emily Belle Freeman shares 7 steps to receiving revelation from the scriptures

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Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman holds her scriptures during her devotional at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah.

Adam Fondren | Deseret News

If, when you open your scriptures, you find yourself just reading words on a page and not gaining lightning bolts of revelation, you’re not alone.

In fact, Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman recently explained to missionaries at the Provo Missionary Training Center (MTC) that if scripture study doesn’t come easy right now, you can practice. That, like Preach My Gospel teaches, if learning from the scriptures is challenging right now, understanding can grow through patient persistence.

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7 Steps to Receiving Revelation

President Freeman referenced Elder Richard G. Scott’s talk on studying the scriptures and receiving revelation about specific questions. She framed this process using seven steps:

  1. “Define your difficult matter,” and write that down.
  2. Read passage after passage of scripture. Use the Topical Guide and footnotes.
  3. Ponder what those verses mean.
  4. Pray for inspiration and any more impressions.
  5. Pause, pondering “to know if you have captured all that the Lord needs you to do.”
  6. Seek for more doctrine to study about the topic, such as general conference talks.
  7. Ask, “Is there more?” and then wait to see what the Spirit says.

But she also recommended that when you do find a verse that is meaningful to you, cherish it. In her words, “Mark it as a friend.”

“See what you learn,” President Freeman said. “See if those verses of scripture become your favorites. More often than not, either the answer comes, or at least enough information comes for me to take the next right step.”

You can read more about President Freeman’s MTC address earlier this month on Church News.

For more insights on the scriptures from President Freeman, check out this special episode of the Magnify podcast, available in the player below or on your favorite streaming platform.

► You may also like: Elder Bednar’s 3 tips for having the Holy Ghost as a constant companion (rather than an occasional visitor)

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