From the Church

Read part of Pres. Nelson’s beautiful dedicatory prayer for the DC Temple

The house of the Lord in Washington, DC, was formally rededicated on Sunday, August 14, 2022.

“We ask Thee to accept this house as our offering to Thee and Thy Son as a place worthy of Thy holy habitation,” prayed President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “And we ask Thee to … make [this house] a refuge for all who enter its precincts. Please bless all who step onto these grounds, for whatever purpose, to feel Thy presence and to leave with a renewed sense of hope and an increased desire to draw close to Thee and Thy Son.”

The prophet’s Sunday morning dedicatory prayer is the capstone on a four-year renovation of this temple that was first completed in the nation’s capital in 1974. The dedication turns the temple into a place of worship for any Latter-day Saint who qualifies for a temple recommend.

Find the full story and more information about the rededication on Church Newsroom.

Read more stories about the Washington D.C. Temple open house and renovation here:

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