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Have you ever thought, “Oh, I could do that so much better”? Maybe it was something as important as a job or as trivial as a party invitation, but you just knew that your effort would’ve been superior than the person who actually did it. Well, in Doctrine and Covenants 67–70, we are going to learn about a few men who were so convinced that they could write revelation better than Joseph Smith, they even tried it. So grab your scriptures, and let’s find out what the result was and what it can teach us about how God operates today.
Have you ever asked someone to do something, and they didn’t do it? Maybe you found yourself saying, “I thought I asked you to. . .” only to see a blank stare in return? Well, Doctrine and Covenants 77–80 is sort of the Lord’s way of saying that to the early Saints. They were supposed to do something specific concerning the law of stewardship and consecration, and they didn’t do it. But in this week’s lesson, we are going to learn how merciful God was to the early Saints as well as how important this law of stewardship and consecration is to our salvation.
Throwing an egg at your sibling may seem like an extreme reaction, but at one point or another, a heated argument may have caused you to do something you wouldn't normally do. Whether it was a friend or a relative, feelings were no doubt hurt in the process. But in Doctrine and Covenants 51–57, the Lord teaches us how important relationships are—how we should seek to help those around us rather than tear them down. As we study these chapters we'll find that if we can do this, the Lord promises us something special in return.
This FHE lesson is adapted from Baptism, Jesus, and Me.
Do you remember a time when you were at a low point and someone knew just what to say to help you feel better? Maybe they shared some advice that you still use today or maybe it was a few words of encouragement you’ll never forget. For Joseph Smith, it was a little of both. In this week’s lesson, we’ll be studying Doctrine and Covenants 10–11 where we find words of encouragement and advice God has for all of us.
Were you ever afraid of the dark as a kid? Maybe you still are? Even if you are brave enough to never have feared the dark, there’s something undeniably comforting about stepping into the light. And this week’s lesson in Doctrine and Covenants 88 is all about comfort and light. After previous sections filled with prophecies of war and discord, this section shows us what we can always find comfort in as Latter-day Saints. So grab your scriptures and as many marking pencils as you can find, and let’s dig in.
As you read this lesson think about the quote by Alexandre Dumas from The Three Musketeers, “All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.” This is the essence of what a Stake is all about. As Satan grows in power, and as the Lord prepares to punish the wicked “without measure,” the only place of safety for the Saints is in the stakes of Zion.