If you live in Utah, you know it’s been a very wet (and late) spring season. After a recent rainstorm in Utah Valley, LDS Living reader Jennifer M. captured a striking photo of the Saratoga Springs temple while driving home with her daughter. The perspective of the photo marks the temple as the rainbow’s own “pot of gold.” Jennifer’s photos are quite incredible.

Jennifer Mackley's photo of a double rainbow over the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple after a spring rainstorm. Taken on May 17, 2023.
Courtesy of Jennifer Mackley.
In fact, this is not the only time that rainbows and temples have been captured in epic ways. Here are our seven favorite photos of rainbows and temples.
Saint George Utah Temple

St. George Utah Temple with rainbow and lightning.
Krista Payne Photography, retrieved via Pinterest
San Diego California Temple

San Diego California Temple at sunset with rainbow.
© 2010, Greg Klamt. Retrieved via Pinterest
Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple

Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple with rainbow.
Laie Hawaii Temple

Laie Hawaii Temple with full rainbow.
Originally from lds.org. Retrieved via Pinterest
Jordan River Utah Temple

Jordan River Utah Temple with rainbow.
Photo via Red Bubble
Houston Texas Temple

Houston Texas Temple with rainbow.
Photo from Robert A. Boyd's His Holy House
Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple

Oquirrh Mountain Utah temple with rainbow.