
Sarah Griffin

LDS Living Editorial Intern

Sarah was an editorial intern for LDS Living and loves being able to read entire books on cozy, rainy days. After completing her internship, she will return to Brigham Young University to complete a degree in Editing and Publishing. In her free time, Sarah enjoys biking and walking her two goldendoodles.

November 27, 2023 11:11 AM MST
Meaningful family traditions, like making tamales, can add light and love to your holiday celebrations in unexpected ways.
8 Min Read
October 18, 2023 09:44 AM MDT
“I don’t want my unity with others in the Church to be conditional, where in order to be unified, I’ve either got to convert someone else to my way of thinking or vice versa.”
2 Min Read
August 28, 2023 11:41 AM MDT
From sharing her conversion story to praying the Spirit would touch people’s hearts, Miss Utah Sarah Sun has striven to be a window to the light of Christ. “So that when people see me, they see Him.”
9 Min Read
August 04, 2023 10:11 AM MDT
Wading through thousands of podcast options can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re diving into six different LDS Living podcasts to help you find your next favorite listen!
6 Min Read
July 26, 2023 12:00 PM MDT
God will always love His children—that's the message Abraham Thomas hopes to share in his song “Love Me Today.”
1 Min Read
July 21, 2023 07:00 AM MDT
There’s something particularly perfect about a post-church nap. But what are you up to after your Sunday snooze?
2 Min Read
July 18, 2023 05:45 PM MDT
“My fourth-great-grandparents’ love story is as good as any proper romance novel, but all the more special because it connects me to my ancestors in a deeply meaningful way.”
10 Min Read
July 10, 2023 06:12 PM MDT
Like the light and lines of Gothic architecture, the covenants I make inside the temple point my soul toward the Savior.
7 Min Read
July 07, 2023 06:00 AM MDT
One Latter-day Saint’s journey to fashion success started with the Relief Society and has taken him all the way to the runway. Here’s how.
14 Min Read
July 03, 2023 06:02 PM MDT
While flipping through his fiancée’s baby album, Tyler West recognized a familiar face in one of the photographs: his mother holding new-born Kelsey Poll after helping with her delivery.
1 Min Read
July 03, 2023 09:09 AM MDT
Jeff McCullough is an Evangelical pastor who has spent the last year learning everything there is to know about Latter-day Saints and the Church. Here’s why.
12 Min Read
June 23, 2023 10:43 AM MDT
Preparing for emergencies doesn’t need to be a fearful or discouraging process. All it takes is a mindset shift to feel more secure in your plans for emergency situations.
5 Min Read
June 22, 2023 07:00 AM MDT
Nathan Pacheco's thoughtful approach to this well-loved 90s tune is as refreshing as it is soothing.
1 Min Read
June 13, 2023 08:37 AM MDT
My 83-year-old grandpa doesn't just like pickleball for the fun of it—the sport is his favorite way to fellowship and share the gospel.
4 Min Read
June 02, 2023 03:55 PM MDT
The Cougarettes had never won back-to-back national titles in both jazz and hip-hop—until now. Here’s how the dancers prepared to make Cougarette history.
3 Min Read
May 30, 2023 10:12 AM MDT
Simply Three's arrangement of “Amazing Grace” is a welcome respite from the constant craze of daily life.
2 Min Read
May 26, 2023 07:00 AM MDT
If you’re itching to get outside and enjoy the delightful evening summer air, Concerts in the Park is just the thing for you.
3 Min Read
May 19, 2023 05:40 PM MDT
What many people may not fully realize is that the coronation of King Charles was largely a religious ceremony that’s rich with scriptural symbolism.
8 Min Read
May 19, 2023 03:52 PM MDT
After a recent rainstorm in Utah Valley, LDS Living reader Jennifer M. captured a photo that marks the temple as the rainbow’s own “pot of gold.”
1 Min Read
May 17, 2023 12:42 PM MDT
In a recent social media post, President Nelson confirmed a new rumor: our 98-year-old prophet has had a “small challenge” with his balance.
1 Min Read
May 08, 2023 11:04 AM MDT
How do people react to meeting missionaries on their doorstep? Watch this hilarious TikTok video to see one couple’s reaction.
1 Min Read