From the Church

Watch the new Light the World video too sweet to miss


For the 2022 holiday season, the Church has launched their annual Light the World campaign with a couple new twists.

First, the 2022 campaign includes a new video with a variation on the Light the World theme. The video’s title “The World Needs Your Light,” invites viewers to recognize their own light as they serve others as Christ would.

“Then there’s you,” the video says. “You started as a baby, born with His light in your eyes. As you grew, so did that light. It shined bright when you helped someone, forgave someone, loved someone, or treated someone like Jesus taught. This Christmas, the world needs your light. Your family needs your light. The hungry, the lonely, close friends, complete strangers all need your light.”

You can watch the beautiful new 2022 Light the World video in the player below.

And this year, the Church has opened up even more avenues to make the daily Light the World service prompts even easier to follow and act upon. Here’s how you can get daily reminders delivered directly to you:

Families and individuals who want to get more involved in serving others this Christmas season can also find a Light the World Giving Machine near you or donate online to the charity of their choice at

► You may also like: Giving Machines will be in almost 3 times as many cities this Christmas

The 2022 Light the World campaign website also includes modules encouraging members to share the joy of the Christmas season, with links and invitations to host a watch party of The Christ Child video, to share inspiring Church content online, and to invite a friend to church. The Light the World campaign website and video are currently available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

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