Latter-day Saint Life

You're Not More of a 'Real' Mom Because Your House Is Messy

Get me off this merry-go-round of comparisons STAT.

I’ve been seeing a ton of articles about "real life" and "real women" and "real moms." While these articles are meant to be uplifting and encouraging to women and to remind us that none of us have it all together, I think what it’s really doing is trapping us in a merry-go-round of comparisons and that’s NOT where I want to be.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses, so when I see posts that say "this is what real life looks like," it doesn’t always ring true for me. I see women encouraging each other to air their dirty laundry and share the not-so-pretty parts of their lives from time-to-time on social media and I get it. We all just want to know that we’re not alone and that other women and moms out there don’t have it all together either, but the thing is: there's always going to be someone out there who does something better than we do.

Some people’s houses really are as clean and tidy as they look on Instagram and some people really are that crafty.

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