Understanding this powerful Hebrew word may deepen your appreciation for the hymn.
2 Min Read
When I walk into the temple locker room, I feel like part of a great army of women.
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Sariah felt hurt by a prophet’s counsel. How she responded is a model for us today.
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As with TOFW, Magnify events will help women strengthen each other in the restored truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ AND have fun while doing it!
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Sister Sharon Eubank recently shared an experience she had firsthand with President Russell M. Nelson that taught her about listening and trust.
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If you are looking for a simple, meaningful gift to celebrate all the important women in your life, here are some of our favorite ideas.
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As with TOFW, our reason for gathering is the same: to lift and strengthen each other in the restored truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ AND to have fun while doing it! With Magnify events, we’ll carry out this mission in ways that feel both familiar and new.
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Even if it seems that an interaction with a loved one or stranger doesn’t matter, we shouldn’t be disheartened.
6 Min Read
Abish started out with God and eventually found the Church. I started out with the Church and have spent my life searching for God.
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Each woman was essential to the growth of the early Christian church.
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Raised by a devout Baptist minister in India and living in Samoa, Elsie was an unlikely source for bringing the gospel to her home country.
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No matter how often you make it to the temple, it's nice to have a special bag designated just for your temple clothing. Check out these stylish, smartly designed temple bags perfect for a sweetheart, friend, or even yourself!
1 Min Read
Being a ‘virtuous woman’ is less about chastity, modesty, or a completed to-do list and more about our covenant relationship with God.
13 Min Read
“As we sang these words in what was a deeply moving experience … I couldn’t help but feel that Sister Perry’s inspired new lyrics were just as relevant for all the women of the Church.”
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There are many mothers in the scriptures with valuable stories—here are just five from the Old Testament that we have a lot to learn from.
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Helen Dowawisnima Sekaquaptewa’s determined to integrate the very best of the two worlds into her life.
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The 2023 conference will have brand new events on Wednesday evening to make the event a little longer for the women in attendance.
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For International Women’s Day, Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, shared a sweet new video message on her social media platforms.
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In 1951, Martha Ann and her husband, Abner, were called to serve an extraordinary mission, one that was never again duplicated.
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“How many people in this room hold priesthood keys?” I was surprised as I read aloud their diverse responses! “1,” “50,” “25,” “4,” “all of us,” “none of us,” “just the men in the room who hold the priesthood,” “all who have been through the temple,” and my favorite, most sincere answer, “I have no idea!”
13 Min Read
“To have a more diverse and varied background makes the Military Advisory Committee stronger and better able to serve.”
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“If we could unleash the full influence of covenant-keeping women, the kingdom of God and the world would change overnight.” —Sheri Dew
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London called their long-distance friendship “a very slow, very patient conversation,” but one in which they’ve truly gotten to know each other, find commonalities, and share decades of personal stories.
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She escaped misogyny by joining the Church. One woman’s sharp refute to ‘Under the Banner of Heaven’
“The idea that the Church, of all places, should be lectured to by our larger culture—by Hollywood—about its violence and misogyny defies everything in my life’s experience and that of many other women I know.”
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"I found some new gems in the story of Ruth and Naomi that have changed my outlook on my own female friendships."
6 Min Read
As it portrays world wars, technological changes, and unprecedented Church growth, ‘Saints,’ vol. 3 highlights many Latter-day Saint women and their remarkable contributions.
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I don’t know that it ever changes—the need to fit in. In one way or another, I think we all long for it. We want to be part of something. To be accepted. To be celebrated just the way that we are.
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It is hard for me to fully imagine what the women must have experienced as they came to the tomb and found it empty.
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To delight of many, a women’s session of general conference will be held this year. Catch up on the history of the women’s session with this timeline.
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The last women’s session of general conference was held in October 2020. Here is one quote from each address to help remind you what was said:
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After joining the Church in the US, Sahar Qumsiyeh began the difficult journey of living her faith and strengthening the Saints back in her homeland of Palestine.
11 Min Read
I've been thinking a lot about Latter-day Saint women who put their time, effort, and energy toward being a disciple of Christ, and how this looks different for every woman.
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President Jean B. Bingham has seen firsthand how President Nelson’s noteworthy and unique perspective has been a blessing to Latter-day Saint women.
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As the first president of the Relief Society, Emma's words, recorded in Relief Society meeting minutes, continue to inspire and encourage us to increase our faith and charity.
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“In the life of Christ, [we can] see the devotion that was shown by woman. She was last to linger at the Cross, and was first at the Sepulchre.”
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Church leaders took to social media to honor important, impressive, and inspirational women in their lives.
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Many women, including Rebekah, Hannah, Elisabeth, and Mary all prophesied, there are only a few who are actually designated as “prophetess” in the Bible.
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Education isn’t merely a suggestion—it’s a commandment.
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A new letter from the First Presidency announced the return of a women’s session for the April 2022 general conference.
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The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is also the God of Sarah, Rebekah, and Leah, and the wives of the patriarchs offer powerful examples of righteous living in difficult times.
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“She wanted to know what women did in our Church, and that was all the encouragement I needed to give her a glimpse into life as a Latter-day Saint woman.”
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These heartfelt poems connect Christmas with the cross, and bring perspectives on Mary that only women can.
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"Either I would build a bridge between the two cultures, finding a way to accept both parts of myself, or else I would remain forever lost between the two worlds."
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Tammy Uzelac Hall explains why “virtue” is less about chastity or modesty and more about the power we receive though covenants.
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God is calling on women to help. To lift. To listen. To unite. To love.
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In a recent Church News video, Camille N. Johnson, Primary General President, reflects on her experience serving on executive councils in the Church.
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Sister Amy A. Wright was just called as the Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency during April 2021 general conference, but that’s not the first time her name has been heard over the pulpit. In 2017, Sister Bonnie H. Cordon shared a story in the women’s session of general conference about how Sister Wright battled cancer by serving others.
4 Min Read
“My dear sisters, you who are our vital associates during this winding-up scene, the day that President Kimball foresaw is today. You are the women he foresaw!”
2 Min Read
In this week's episode of This Is the Gospel, Sue faces the grim possibility that her husband will not recover from a vital but dangerous surgery. And to add to her worries, COVID strikes, leaving her without in-person contact to her ailing parents who are in a nursing home in Pennsylvania. But right when it all seems too much to bear, a phone call from Sue's daughter reminds her of her power to call upon heaven to help her family.
3 Min Read
As we harness the right tools, studying the scriptures can draw us to Jesus Christ. That is the hope of Daniel Smith, producer of the “Messages of Christ” YouTube channel. On his most recent project, the Women and Jesus video series, he is joined by Heather Ruth Pack. She provides a woman’s perspective and helps by writing and editing each video script. Together, their love for the scriptures shines through as they prayerfully tell the stories of the women who interacted with the Savior thousands of years ago.
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Coinciding with August being National Women’s Suffrage Month, the Church Historian’s Press has announced the online publication of six additional volumes of the diaries of Latter-day Saint leader and women’s rights activist Emmeline B. Wells, covering 1892 to 1896.
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