With so many Church leaders who have a wonderful sense of humor all their own, there are always many funny or light-hearted moments shared each general conference. Here are some of the most hilarious that are guaranteed to give you a laugh, brighten your day, and deepen your love for God's chosen apostles.
If You Don't Repent
What a clever way for President Gordon B. Hinckley to call the members of the Church to repentance.
Blind Date Fiasco
As Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin taught, "Come what may, and love it!"
Wiggling Ears
It's not often Church leaders get to show off such unique talents over the pulpit.
A Sailor Blessing the Sacrament
I bet you're glad you didn't grow up in President Eyring's neighborhood.
A Fist Bump to Remember
No words were needed for this iconic moment—just the brotherhood of two apostles of the Lord.
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He's Breathing My Air
What parent can't relate?
What Does It Have to Do with Airplanes?
An essential question we should ask ourselves every time Elder Uchtdorf approaches the pulpit.
Curious Workmanship
The ways of the Lord and of modern technology are indeed curious. (The jokes are told from 0:00 to 1:20, but stick around and listen to more of this great talk.)
A Bucket of Bricks
Even President Hinckley can't keep a straight face telling this story.
The Rush of Revelation
After a solemn assembly, the announcement of eight new temples, the calling of two new apostles, and changes to elders quorums and ministering, Elder Holland's witty remarks captured the feelings of so many. (Watch from 0:00 to 0:45 for the biggest laughs, though the whole talk is phenomenal.)
"Stop the Boys on the Bikes!"
This story is the perfect blend of humorous and miraculous. (Story told from 8:28 to 10:03.)
What Did He Say?
I'm sure this switch up didn't get past our German brothers and sisters.
Being Polished a Little More
I have to ask myself, if President Eyring felt so concerned, what lies ahead for me?
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A Grand Old Warrior
Here's a sweet way to bring a little "sunshine in your soul today."
A Song in Japanese
What an unexpected moment, and one the audience wasn't likely to forget. (Story begins a 5:57 and ends at 6:40.)
► You'll also like: 12 Unexpected and Unforgettable Stories Told in General Conference
Since Then I've Been Trying to Repent
What an example of humility and humor.
"Dieter, Don't Even Think About It"
Oh, how wise to listen to the counsel of our prophets.
Who can forget that the first time Elder Gong approached the pulpit as an apostle, he graced us with a musical performance?
Kicked It All to Pieces
You have to admire this girl for acting on her prayers. (Story told from 12:26 to 13:03.)
One Little Match
No one can top President Monson when it comes to engaging storytelling.
Love this story? Own it for yourself in this wonderful children's book.
Readers of all ages will resonate with this wonderful true story that demonstrates the blessings of obedience and "the dangers that can come from something as small as one little match."