
Christmas Mormonads to make you smile and feel the spirit of this holiday season

From left to right: Mormonads from the 1982 and the 1996 December issues of the New Era, respectively.

Many Latter-day Saints remember Mormonads—posters you could tear out of the New Era, complete with a clever phrase and a spiritual message. Previously, LDS Living has highlighted some of these posters by topic in a face-off to determine whether the ’80s, ’90s, or 2000s were the golden age for Mormonads. You can check out part one and part two on our website if you’d like to have a blast from the past and judge for yourself which decade you think is best.

This Christmas, we thought we’d let the fun continue by highlighting a few more posters that are in turns spiritual, sweet, or funny but that are all focused on the season of giving. See which ones you recognize below.

“Christmas Lasts as Long as You Keep Giving,” December 1982 New Era.
Photo by Gerald Bybee
“Give of Yourself: Give your most priceless gift—your time, your support, your love. (See 2 Cor. 9:7.),” from the December 1990 New Era.
Photography by Craig Dimond
“Seek the Best Christmas Presence: This year, instead of getting wrapped up in unimportant things, invite the Savior into your celebration. (See Isa. 9:6.),” from the December 1991 New Era.
“My Peace I Give unto You: Turn to Christ and receive all that he offers: forgiveness, unconditional love—true peace. (See John 14:27.),” from the December 1992 New Era.
Painting The Savior and the Children by Minerva Teichert, Church Historical Department collection
“Peace on Earth Comes from Heaven. It comes when we center our lives on Christ. (See John 16:33.),” from the December 1994 New Era.
“Make Your Holiday a Holy Day: Feast upon the word. Learn of Christ—the greatest gift ever given. (See John 3:16.),” from the December 1995 New Era.
Photography by Steve Bunderson
“Be Someone’s Christmas Star: Bring a little light into another’s life. (See Matt. 5:16.),” from the December 1996 New Era.
Photography by Steve Bunderson
“Hang Out with Your Family: Decorate your family tree with your presence. You’re not just ornamental. You’re essential. (See Hymns, no. 298.),” from the December 1997 New Era.
Photography by Steve Bunderson; electronic image by Charles M. Baird
“Gift Exchange: Kindness is one gift you can always return without offending. (See Eph. 4:32.),” from the December 1998 New Era.
Photography by Craig Dimond
“Be Wise: Come unto Christ. The Wisemen were led by prophecies. You can follow living prophets. (See Omni 1:26.),” from the December 1999 New Era.
Painting Even the Wisemen of the Earth Must Follow Divine Direction by J. Leo Fairbanks
“You Are in His Hands (See Isa. 49:16.),” from the December 2000 New Era.
Photography by Aldo Rebechi
“You Are Unique: And you are not lost in the crowd. You are known and loved by your Father in Heaven. (See Doctrine and Covenants 76:24.)”
Photography © 1996 PhotoDisc
“Out of Small Things ‘… proceedeth that which is great.’ (D&C 64:33.),” from the December 2002 New Era.
Painting by Simon Dewey. Idea by Carmen Loveland.
“Come, Let Us Adore Him: ‘The shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.’ (Luke 2:15.)”
Painting by Simon Dewey
“Give of Yourself: Using your time and talents to help others is the best way to avoid getting too wrapped up in yourself. (See Acts 20:35.),” from the December 2004 New Era.
Photograph by Welden C. Andersen
“‘Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.’ (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36.),” from the December 2013 New Era.
“Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell), “Settle This in Your Hearts,” Ensign, Nov. 1992, 66.
Photo illustration by David Stoker; Nativity of Christ, by David Lindsley
“The shepherds heard the message and ‘came with haste’ to Jesus. So can you. (See Luke 2:15–16.),” from the December 2016 New Era.
Illustration by Brian Call

This last image was simply labeled as “poster” in the 2019 New Era, which came out after President Nelson’s announcement regarding the name of the Church in 2018.

“Light the World: One by One,” from the December 2019 New Era.

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