LDS Living Staff

December 26, 2020 12:04 PM MST
This excerpt originally ran on LDS Living in December 2019.
4 Min Read
December 17, 2019 08:02 PM MST
Though the particular date it was written and the events that inspired "The Spirit of God" are unknown, there are many miraculous and incredible stories behind this beloved song and its author, William Wines Phelps, that have lead it to become one of the most recognizable and beloved Latter-day Saint hymns.
6 Min Read
November 21, 2019 09:55 AM MST
Fred Rogers was the heart and soul of the groundbreaking children's program Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, an Emmy Award-winning show that includes 912 episodes. Since the 1960s, Mr. Rogers has helped teach generations of children what it means to be kind, loving, and accepting of our neighbors and ourselves. Here are a few quotes from Mr. Rogers that echo meaningful gospel lessons.
5 Min Read
October 29, 2019 01:00 PM MDT
After winning Cake Wars twice, Latter-day Saint Pete Tidwell knows a thing or two about baking competitions and creating confectionary masterpieces. This year, Tidwell decided to take on a new challenge, swapping his normally beautiful culinary creations for something creepy by competing on Food Network's Halloween Baking Championship.
2 Min Read
October 28, 2019 09:10 AM MDT
CEO of a multinational billion-dollar corporation by day, rock star by night—it sounds like the plot of a sitcom or Hollywood movie, but for Latter-day Saint Kevin Guest, it's his reality.
11 Min Read
October 25, 2019 01:22 PM MDT
The Church got an unexpected mention in a recent Jimmy Kimmel Live video. Jimmy Kimmel announced that he had an important public service announcement to share with his fans before showing a video meant to clarify something important to the TV host.
1 Min Read
October 19, 2019 08:00 AM MDT
The following article originally ran on LDS Living in November 2017.
1 Min Read
October 11, 2019 10:21 PM MDT
On October 14, 1926, Winnie the Pooh was first published, sparking a world-wide love of this silly old bear that became a childhood icon. In honor of this literary classic that has been inspiring children and adults for nearly a century, here are some touching Winnie-the-Pooh moments that carry profound gospel lessons.
1 Min Read
October 10, 2019 12:00 PM MDT
From the time he was a little boy, President Henry B. Eyring's life has been guided by powerful moments of personal revelation. About seeing his wife for the first time, President Eyring shared in an address delivered at the Vatican, "I saw in the crowd a young woman. I had never seen her before, but the feeling came over me that she was the best person I had ever seen. That evening she walked into our church meeting in Cambridge. Another thought came to my mind with great power: 'If I could only be with her, I could become every good thing I ever wanted to be.'" That woman was Kathleen Johnson, and that inspiration changed the course of President Eyring's life.
1 Min Read
October 09, 2019 11:57 AM MDT
Now sisters can find all the Relief Society resources, messages, and inspiration in one place.
1 Min Read
October 07, 2019 04:00 PM MDT
"Several months ago, at the end of a temple endowment session, I said to my wife, 'I hope the sisters understand the spiritual treasures that are theirs in the temple,'" President Russell M. Nelson said during the women's session of general conference. "Every woman and every man who makes covenants with God and keeps those covenants, and who participates worthily in priesthood ordinances, has direct access to the power of God. Those who are endowed in the house of the Lord receive a gift of God’s priesthood power by virtue of their covenant, along with a gift of knowledge to know how to draw upon that power."
5 Min Read
October 07, 2019 02:00 PM MDT
In celebration of the 200th anniversary of the First Vision, President Nelson announced, "General conference next April will be different from any previous conference. In the next six months, I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel."
1 Min Read
October 07, 2019 12:58 PM MDT
"As the Church grows, more temples will be built so that more families can have access to that greatest of all blessings, that of eternal life," President Russell M. Nelson said before announcing eight new temples to be built around the world during the women's session of general conference. "We regard a temple as the most sacred structure in the Church. Whenever plans are announced to construct a new temple, it becomes an important part of our history."
1 Min Read
October 06, 2019 07:54 PM MDT
Many historic changes were announced during and leading up to the October 2019 general conference. In case you missed any, here's an overview of these adjustments and what they mean for your wards and families.
7 Min Read
October 03, 2019 05:21 PM MDT
After putting his advertising degree to good use at L'Oréal and Microsoft in New York City, Peter Tidwell took the next natural step in his career by moving to Provo, quitting his full-time job to open a bakery, and winning Food Network's Cake Wars—twice.
6 Min Read
October 03, 2019 03:29 PM MDT
Yesterday, the First Presidency announced historic changes in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that allow women and children to serve as witnesses for the sacred ordinances of baptism and baptism for the dead and for endowed women to serve as witnesses to temple sealings. President Russell M. Nelson rejoiced over these adjustments, saying, “Adjustments allow for covenants to be planted in the hearts of people living in different times and circumstances. . . . We are joyful about these changes. Imagine a beloved sister serving as a witness to the living baptism of her younger brother. Imagine a mature couple serving as witnesses in the temple baptistry as their grandson baptizes their granddaughter for and in behalf of a dear ancestor.”
3 Min Read
October 02, 2019 12:15 PM MDT
“I have never spoken about this before,” Marie Osmond said on Tuesday’s episode of The Talk. “My son who died, he was bullied.”
2 Min Read
October 02, 2019 09:08 AM MDT
There’s an electric, almost tangible buzz in the air around this time of year that settles over Temple Square and Latter-day Saint chapels throughout the world—and it has nothing to do with changing weather. It’s general conference time.
4 Min Read
September 26, 2019 02:29 PM MDT
In New York City's Times Square, 2-year-old Nora Hendricks' photo flashed across the jumbotron on September 14, 2019. Her bright blue eyes mirror her cerulean dress dotted with hearts. Nora's lips are caught between a laugh and an open-mouthed smile as she claps her hands together, the embodiment of childhood joy.
3 Min Read
September 24, 2019 11:57 AM MDT
On Fox Sports' Fair Game with Kristine Leahy, Shaquille O'Neal praised Latter-day Saint NBA player Mark "Mad Dog" Madsen as "the purest NBA guy I've ever met." He continues, "I don’t know much about Mormons or their religion, but . . . most rookies, when they come in, they go crazy, including me. . . . Mark was none of that."
2 Min Read
September 23, 2019 02:11 PM MDT
"In the Church, we rightly talk a lot about the priesthood, or God’s power on the earth. From conversations I’ve had with women and men over the years, there are some things we get wrong when it comes to understanding God’s power and who has access to it," Sister Sharon Eubank, first counselor in the general Relief Society presidency, recently shared on Facebook. "All men and women who make covenants and keep them have the ability to draw priesthood power into their lives. The real question isn’t 'Do you have the priesthood?' but 'What are you doing with the priesthood power you have?' The essential nature of priesthood power is to bless and improve the lives of others."
1 Min Read
September 18, 2019 12:50 PM MDT
This September has seen countless Latter-day Saint artists topping Billboard charts. And now the success has reached a new peak.
2 Min Read
September 17, 2019 03:50 PM MDT
In a powerful devotional delivered at the Marriott Center on the BYU campus, President Russell M. Nelson addressed young adults around the world and outlined "five truths that I feel impressed to share with you," he said.
2 Min Read