Latter-day Saint Life

President Uchtdorf: The Lord Is Always Blessing Us with More Than We Put in


Sometimes with demanding callings in the Church, we can begin focusing on how much time we spend, how much worry and planning we put in, and all the things we might be sacrificing. But recently, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, who has one of the most demanding callings in the Church, reminded us of all the blessings we receive when we serve:

Often Harriet and I will come back from an assignment and say to each other, “Wow, that really strengthened us.” Whenever we try to do our part, there is always much more that comes back to us. We can never get ahead of the Lord—He is always blessing us with more than what we put in.
Remember, serving God and others is not like a business—it is kind of a celestial banking system. The interest you receive will always be way beyond your initial investment and will reach into the eternities.

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