What are some life lessons you learned as a young adult? Consider what you were going through and finding out around the age of 21—because that’s how old the Prophet Joseph Smith was as we begin our study of Doctrine and Covenants 3–5. In these sections, Joseph learned vital spiritual life lessons that all of us can learn from.
Segment 1
D&C 3:8 (God supports all)
D&C 4:4 (Thrust in your sickle)
Segment 2
JSH 1:59-60 (Protect the plates)
Isaiah 29:11-12 (Prophesy of a sealed book)
D&C 3:4-8 (Don’t fear man more than God)
Study Helps:
As he prayed, Martin [Harris] felt a still, small voice speak to his soul. He knew then that the plates were from God—and he knew he had to help Joseph share their message. (“Mormonism—No. II,” Tiffany’s Monthly, Aug. 1859, as referenced in Saints Vol. 1, Chapter 5: All Is Lost)
Segment 3
D&C 3:6 (The Lord calls out Joseph)
D&C 3:9-10 (God is merciful)
Words of the General Authorities:
Repentance is the key with which we can unlock the prison from inside. We hold that key within our hands, and agency is ours to use it. (Boyd K. Packer, “Atonement, Agency, Accountability”, April 1988 General Conference)
Study Helps:
“Oh, my God, my God,” Joseph groaned, clenching his fists…“All is lost!” “And how shall I appear before the Lord?” His mother tried to comfort him. She said maybe the Lord would forgive him if he repented humbly. But Joseph was sobbing now, furious at himself for not obeying the Lord the first time. He could barely eat for the rest of the day. (Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1844–45, as referenced in Saints Vol. 1, Chapter 5: All Is Lost)
Segment 4
D&C 3:16 (The work will go forth)
Merits Scripture Chain:
D&C 3:20
2 Nephi 31:19
Moroni 6:4
Study Helps:
LDS scholar Robert Millet teaches there are three merits necessary to return to the Father and we will NEVER get them without the help of Christ:
- Sinlessness
- Obedience
- Resurrection
(Charles D Tate, Monte S. Nyman, “Second Nephi: The Doctrinal Structure” Deseret Book 1989)

Segment 5
D&C 4:5-7 (Attributes of Christ)
D&C 5:14 ex. Clear as the moon (Ancient phrase from the days of Solomon)
Segment 6
D&C 5:11,15 (Three witnesses)
D&C 5:23-28 (Instruction to Martin Harris)
Mosiah 18:9 (Baptisimal covenant to witness)
D&C 20:77-79 (Witness unto God; in the sacrament prayer)
View transcript here.