Latter-day Saint Life

Elder and Sister Oaks' Message to Mid-Singles: "Singles Are Such an Important Part of the Church"


Tackling many topics singles within the Church struggle with, Elder Oaks was clear when he stated, “Singles are such an important part of the Church. They are an important part of the country, too.”

"You are loved and you are important.”

That was the message of an apostle and his wife to 2,500 single adults gathered for the 2016 Mid-Singles Conference held in Salt Lake City on Aug. 7. . . .

Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Kristen Oaks, addressed conference attendees—sharing experiences, personal insights and words of encouragement during the closing devotional on Aug. 7.

“As I have continued my lifelong interest in singles—having been raised from childhood by a single mother—I have been interested in the increasing numbers of singles in the United States and in the Church,” he said. “Singles are such an important part of the Church. They are an important part of the country, too.”

Lead image from Deseret News.
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