This lesson on Choice & Accountability is the first in an 8-part FHE series featuring the Young Women's values. Get the other 7 lessons here.
Song: “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239), or “Choose the Right Way” (Children's Songbook, no. 160)
Focus: Value Experience #2
Color Meaning: Orange reminds us of the color of caution on a stoplight. We too, have choices to make and we need to pray to make the correct choices. We need to use caution in making choices.
Have a family member read Joshua 24:15. Whom does your family serve? How do you know?
Read the color meaning of Choice & Accountability. Ask your family to describe the purpose of a stoplight. What does the green light mean? What does the red light mean? What does the orange light mean? The color of Choice & Accountability is orange, just like the middle caution light on a stoplight. What does it mean to have or use caution? You may use the following ideas to generate discussion.
• When you see an orange light, it means you might need to stop. Sometimes it means you need to speed up a little bit because it would be more dangerous to stop. Sometimes a yellow caution light means you simply need to wait your turn. How do these analogies fit with making decisions?
• Decide now. What would happen if you waited until you were at the stoplight to decide to stop? You would slam on your breaks and possibly cause an accident. However if you decide beforehand to slow down, you will be safer. Refer back to the scripture you read at the beginning. Talk about how important it is to decide some things long before you encounter them. Bear testimony that your family has chosen now to serve God.
Read the following quote by Elder Paul V. Johnson: “When you are faced with an important decision, be sure that your choice will lead you nearer to Christ.”
As a family or individually, review two or three of the standards listed in the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth and why they are important standards to live. Some topics especially appropriate for Family Home Evening might be family, dating, friends, or education. List those righteous behaviors and talk about why it is important to choose to live those standards. Have family members choose one of the standards to work on this week. For example, choosing to be more selective about television, music, books, or other media, or improving modesty, language, or honesty. Share your experiences at your next family home evening.
*For those completing the value experience, finish recording the importance of the rest of the For the Strength of Youth standards in your Personal Progress journal. Pick three standards instead of one and report your experiences after three weeks.
Additional Resources:
Article for Youth: "Making Righteous Choices"