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We need those who doubt, those who stumble, those who make big mistakes, those who are lonely, afraid, imperfect, and broken in the Church. Because, let's face it, at times that is each one of us. And without all of those people in the Church, we simply wouldn't belong and our faith couldn't be strengthened--together.
Not all faith questions need constitute a “faith crisis.” We need not be afraid of our questions, but can journey with them as we seek to address them with honest intent.
"Hamilton" actor and former contestant on "So You Think You Can Dance" Thayne Jasperson recently opened up to the Deseret News about his faith and doubts as a Latter-day Saint.
Have you ever heard of the Lectures on Faith? Maybe you’ve read them a million times, maybe you remember a vague reference to them in seminary, or maybe you’ve never heard of them at all. If you fall into any of those categories, this week's episode is for you. Because what better way to celebrate Christ’s life and Resurrection this Easter week than to study the attributes and characteristics of Deity? So make sure to grab some paper and a pen as we study the sacred attributes of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as taught in the Lectures on Faith.
The doubt that had eaten at me for years was finally overtaking me. My belief in God was dwindling.
This month's edition of weekly FHE lessons is based on the new family movie Trek, which follows a young Mormon teenager named Tom and his friends on their handcart journey. Each lesson includes a scene from movie to watch and discuss. Your whole family will laugh along and be inspired by Trek: The Movie, available at Deseret Book stores and
Various philosophers have often mused that there are two halves of our lives. What separates them is the period of time when we transition from a belief system to a humble inner knowing. This week’s guests, Brett and Kate McKay, are no strangers to the evolution of faith and say they have experienced significant moments of decision within their own faith. But they have also found that it is very possible to transition from the first half of life to the second with your faith intact. They believe faith shouldn’t be boring; instead, it’s very possible to stay passionate about the gospel after leaving young adulthood.
For the last decade, Fiona and Terryl Givens have brought to light wonderful and expansive doctrines in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ by drawing upon literature and other faith traditions. Their work helps Latter-day Saints appreciate the beauty of what we believe. On this week’s episode, we talk with these scholars about many of their books, how those books are influenced by their life experiences, and how their studies have brought us greater appreciation for our faith tradition and the faith traditions of others.
To one degree or another, every person will face doubt in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This isn’t because the gospel is weak, flawed, or because the Church stands on weak historical ground (spoiler: it doesn’t). Doubt occurs naturally, even with faithful, commandment-keeping members. Just like joy and sorrow or bitter and sweet, doubt and faith are two sides of the same coin.