Latter-day Saint Life

Sister Yee’s perspective on feeling overwhelmed is so encouraging

Mother working from home while holding toddler, family in background
What if we looked at feelings of overwhelm and busyness as opportunities to draw closer to God?
MoMo Productions, Getty Images

“The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them,” as President Dallin H. Oaks has taught. While this reality can sometimes feel limiting, Sister Kristin M. Yee suggests feeling overwhelmed can be a beautiful opportunity to draw closer to God and develop a deeper relationship with Him.

Recently on Instagram, Sister Yee shared:

“I … wonder if at times the Lord allows us to be sufficiently overwhelmed so that we sufficiently rely upon Him and learn to exercise our faith by choosing to trust in His mercy, power, and love as we pass through difficult challenges and seemingly impossible situations. … As we trust in Him, I know we can find an added measure of peace, perspective, gratitude, growth, fulfillment, and an expanded capacity to see His loving hand amidst our full days.”

This trust involves being willing to seek His guidance as we prioritize our to-do lists. It also means growing our faith in His sustaining power and grace.

“I know that our God is a God of miracles, and sometimes those miracles are making it through one day at a time,” Sister Yee testified.

Leave the Possibilities to Him

During the October 2024 general conference, Sister Yee shared a story about how she felt prompted to paint a portrait of the Savior. Even though she felt overwhelmed by the time and skill the project would demand, she decided to put forward her best efforts and trust in the Lord to guide the rest.

“Even with my questions, I decided to move forward and trust that the Lord would help me,” she said. “But I had to keep moving and leave the possibilities to Him. I prayed, pondered, researched, and sketched, and was blessed to find help and resources. And what was a white canvas started to become something more.”

While we only have so much time in a day, the Lord can make more of our time than we can on our own.

Time and Relationships

In another recent post, Sister Yee suggested that we can think about busy areas of our lives—like our work, calling, and education—as opportunities to strengthen our relationships with God and others. This focus can help us to be even more intentional in aligning our efforts with the Lord’s will.

“When we look at these parts of our lives as ways that God intends to bless our relationship with Him and others, we can receive divine motivation, direction, understanding, strength, happiness, and peace,” she wrote.

For more resources about finding balance, check out the articles below.

You have more time than you think—try the Savior’s approach from 3 Nephi
Ever since I was a busy doctoral student, this is how I bring God’s power into my life
Expert tips for enjoying spiritual stillness—no matter what’s on your plate
Your job isn’t to be perfect. It’s to stay close to the One who can perfect you

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