Like Lehi before him, Amos Makulu started to share what brought him so much happiness with others in the refugee camp, building a “family” of interested learners.
1 Min Read
Here are a few of our favorite easy gift ideas for children who have decided to enter the waters of baptism.
2 Min Read
After years of exploring other faiths, YouTuber David Boice concluded that there was something undeniably different about Latter-day Saints.
3 Min Read
A series of remarkable promptings and experiences led a world-class cellist back to the faith she’d decidedly left more than 20 years earlier.
11 Min Read
Prepare your children for their baptism day and help them remember their baptismal covenants.
1 Min Read
No one is ever too old to step into the waters of baptism. Whether you’re 8 or 108, a covenant relationship with God is something to celebrate. Here are 19 products to help a friend or family member cherish their baptism and remember the promises they made.
1 Min Read
Eduardo Maradiaga didn’t know it then, but the photo he took of the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple was about to go on a journey that would give him and his family hope as they started new lives in the US.
11 Min Read
Meet Anurat Kaeocha, one of the newest members of the Church in Thailand and project manager for the Bangkok Thailand Temple.
7 Min Read
Marcia heard her grandmother constantly pray for her children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends—and that example changed her life.
9 Min Read
When I reflect on how I found the gospel, I realize that my family’s experiences informed two important pieces of my testimony.
5 Min Read
Editor’s note: The following excerpt has been adapted from Voice of the Saints in Mongolia, the first comprehensive history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in that nation.
2 Min Read
After Batchimeg told Soyolmaa that they could serve a mission, they decided to put in their mission papers together around March or April 1995.
3 Min Read
When Chris Schoebinger was a senior in high school, he moved out of his home and into the home of, unbeknownst to him, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
3 Min Read
Hundreds of Mozambiquans are joyfully entering the waters of baptism as COVID restrictions ease.
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The handbook update was made in December 2021, but Primary General President Camille N. Johnson and her counselors shared a video on social media last week explaining the update and the responsibilities of Primary presidencies.
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Elder Gutierrez’s desire to serve is because of his love for the God he once didn’t believe in, and because he believes small invitations can change lives.
11 Min Read
Fatima Dedrickson still remembers her first day on the campus of Brigham Young University. Every person she passed was staring at her.
7 Min Read
Published in 1899, the first Church handbook was small enough to fit in a shirt pocket. The world has changed greatly since then, and so has the handbook.
5 Min Read
Ryan Blubaugh’s conversion story is filled with seeds being planted throughout his life, including by a friend in high school—a friend he would reach out to on Facebook after 29 years.
14 Min Read
Note: According to the Church's General Handbook, "Baptisms should be performed in a baptismal font if one is available. If there is not a font, a safe body of water may be used. It should be large enough for both the person performing the ordinance and the person being baptized to stand in. Water is not dedicated for baptisms."
1 Min Read
On this week’s episode of This is the Gospel, Ryan Cranney of Cranney Farms shares how one decision to donate more than two million pounds of potatoes led to an unlikely correspondence with a woman in Kenya and the miracles that have since followed.
3 Min Read
When Renu Singh’s mother became ill, Singh started a search for the truth—a search that eventually led her to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
1 Min Read
When Craig Fisher first heard President Russell M. Nelson talk in conference, he never would have guessed that he had a connection to him that would change his understanding of God.
4 Min Read
President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced a historic policy change Wednesday morning allowing women and children to serve as witnesses during sacred ordinances. For baptisms outside the temple, any baptized member of the Church can serve as a witness. For baptisms for the dead, any member of the Church, including women and young Church members, holding a limited-use temple recommend can serve as a witness. For sealing ordinances, any endowed member of the Church with a current temple recommend can serve as a witness.
6 Min Read
We pulled into the parking stall 10 minutes early for the baptism. As we prepared to get out, we saw that right outside the meetinghouse was the guest of honor: a jubilant little girl, swishing her new white dress proudly as her family began to gather.
3 Min Read
On June 1 in Cedar City, Utah, Jarom Hlebasko entered a baptismal font and faced his 8-year-old daughter, Miree, ready to baptize her a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At that moment, feelings of gratitude and fulfillment washed over him — gratitude because there was a time in his life when he didn’t think performing such baptism would be possible, and fulfillment because once again he was realizing a blessing pronounced years before.
1 Min Read
Twenty-four years.
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It's an unlikely conversion story. Calyann Barnett initially wanted a Book of Mormon so she "could argue with me and prove me wrong about religion," Latter-day Saint Clarke Miyasaki posted on Instagram. Barnett added, "When I made my list of things I would NEVER do last year—believe in Jesus, join a religion, and get baptized as a Mormon—were at the top spots on that list."
1 Min Read
Weeks after her first birthday, Mazlowe Ard started breathing quickly, her appetite decreased, and she grew lethargic. The Ards noticed their daughter's sudden change and took her to urgent care, where doctors passed off the symptoms as teething.
2 Min Read
President Russell M. Nelson often teaches powerfully and poetically about the symbolism found in the scriptures, the temple, and the life and Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. InTeachings of Russell M. Nelson, we find many insights about the significance of Jesus Christ's baptism that can help us with our Come, Follow Me study this week.
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This week's FHE lesson topic comes from the Come, Follow Me reading in Matthew 3, Mark 1, and Luke 3. Check out this week's Come, Follow Me study ideas on LDS Living for additional resources and suggestions.
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With the desire to strengthen children and youth, the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently announced changes that allow eligible 11-year-olds to complete proxy baptisms in temples beginning January of the year they turn twelve.
1 Min Read
Side-eyeing Chloe. You've all seen her. In fact, you have probably shared a meme with her face on it. But I bet you didn't know she just had her eighth birthday and was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
1 Min Read
As the aunt of 10 nieces and nephews, I love to watch my brother and sisters raise their kids. Among the grandchildren in my family, we’ve got two daredevils, two wild-childs, one bossy pants, and the sweetest autistic boy you’ll ever meet. Needless to say, wrangling—I mean, parenting—these kids is never the same for my brother and sisters. So when the children near the age of eight, how do they—and parents everywhere—decide on the best way to teach their child about the importance of baptism? And how much does the child actually understand?
3 Min Read
A child's baptism is one of the most important events in his or her life. These traditions will help emphasize its value and celebrate that decision whether you're a parent, Primary teacher, ward missionary, or anyone else involved.
2 Min Read
Editor’s note: This article was originally published to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the revelation declaring that all worthy males, regardless of race, may receive the priesthood. We are sharing it again to mark the 40th anniversary and to celebrate the continuing growth of the Church in Africa.
14 Min Read
What an amazing story!
1 Min Read
What a powerful example of following our Savior regardless of obstacles in our lives. As Elder Josh Bauman wrote in an email to his family, "The whole time [Juanita] was in [the baptismal font] she was saying 'Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus,' but with a small voice that struck right into the very center of your heart. After they baptized her, she came up and said, 'Kolabal Jesucristo,' which is Tzeltal [the Mayan language] for 'Thank you, Jesus Christ.'"
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Lindsey Stirling shared the Throw Back Thursday to end all TBTs yesterday.
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This fun dragonfly design features blue gems for extra sparkle.
1 Min Read
"I wanted to do something special for my 8-year-old who was recently baptized," LDS artist, arranger, and pianist Monica Scott writes about her new music video. That's why she decided to create a special arrangement of two popular Primary songs "Baptism" and "When I Am Baptized."
1 Min Read
Let the creators of Ites help prepare your children for baptism in a fun, new, interactive way!
3 Min Read
At 13 years old I remember sitting in Sunday School with the girls and boys my age. I was in Glendale, Arizona, and my great aunt and uncle had brought me and my brother to sacrament meeting. The teacher asked us to define the priesthood, and my poor brother and I—with our Southern Baptist background—couldn’t actively participate. We heard words like “authority,” “blessing,” “prophet,” and we were hopelessly lost.
8 Min Read
“It was a great honor to perform ordinances that will help others be able to return and live with their Heavenly Father,” said Victoria Menezes, a 16-year-old from Miami Beach, Florida, who was one of the 500+ youth to participate in "Temple White Friday" this year.
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Recently, Prepare to Serve shared a remarkable video of a returned missionary from the Portugal Lisbon Mission sharing the story of when a mission president pointed out the exact location where someone lived who needed to hear the gospel.
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READY TO BELIEVE:How His Wife’s Faith Led One NBA CEO to Join The Church After 20+ Years of Marriage
Lisa and Scott O'Neil had similar faith but different religions when they married 23 years ago, but they vowed to work together as a team through it all. Here's how their commitment to having a "house of faith" eventually led Scott to choose to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through baptism nearly two decades after their wedding.
Hear more of Scott's conversion and testimony in this episode of the ALL IN podcast:
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Brightly Beams:
LDS Living gives expression to what it means to live as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. By sharing practical information and seeking out the best things in Latter-Day Saint culture, we hope to empower our readers to make the most of the joys and challenges of life and enjoy their unique heritage to its fullest. We provide articles that inspire and uplift our readers with endless ideas, featuring articles online and in print on issues real-life Latter-day Saints are dealing with, recipes, self-help, parenting and relationship advice, behind-the-scenes looks, and in-depth coverage of a wide variety of topics important to Latter-day Saints.
Most of us have a vivid memory of the first time we went to the temple to receive our endowments. I was a newly called missionary and had traveled to the Los Angeles Temple. I did not know what to expect. Although some aspects of my own endowment were wonderfully edifying to me, much of it was confusing. I left bewildered and a little frightened. I have since discovered that my experience was not unique. I have also discovered why my first experience was not all what I had anticipated. At the time, I did not understand the manner in which the Lord teaches His children in His house. Had I understood, my anxiety and confusion would have disappeared, even though my comprehension level might have remained the same.
8 Min Read
From baptisms to mission calls to weddings, Latter-day Saints have plenty of reasons to celebrate. Check out these creative special-occasion cakes.
1 Min Read
This FHE lesson is adapted from Baptism, Jesus, and Me.
3 Min Read
When he was 11 years old, Alex Boyé's mother told him she was returning to Nigeria for three weeks. "It turned out she was there for eight years," he says in his "I'm a Mormon" video.
2 Min Read
What an unexpected and touching story that shows not all Latter-day Saints walk the same path, but all are loved and can make their way back to our Heavenly Father.
1 Min Read